About Us

Bavaria Lodge No. 935 About Us

Bavaria Lodge No. 935 is the oldest English-speaking Masonic Lodge in Munich, Germany, with a truly international footprint.

As international Masonic Lodge, our members come from all walks of life, with different crafts and professions and more than 17 different nationalities. It is comprised of English-speaking expats with 16 different nationalities, English-speaking Germans, and a large component of brethren stateside that continue to support their Lodge in Munich.

While Bavaria Lodge was chartered (as number 935) by the United Grand Lodges of Germany on June 26, 1975, it is an amalgamation and thereby continuation of several much older military lodges founded by Allied forces Post-World War 2, originating as early as 21 February 1957 (Little Rose of the Alps 810).

To see the Masonic familiy tree that culminated into Bavaria Lodge No. 935, click here.

We work under the jurisdiction of the American Canadian Grand Lodge AF&AM (ACGL) within the United Grand Lodges of Germany (VGLvD) – Brotherhood of Freemasons.

Bavaria Lodge is the only Blue Lodge in Munich working the three progressive degrees of Craft Freemasonry (1°-Entered Apprentice, 2°-Fellowcraft, 3°-Master Mason) in the Antient York ritual (also referred to as “Webb Ritual ” or “American Rite”) as adopted by the ACGL.

We meet on the 1st (Stated Communication) and 3rd (Called Communication) Thursday of each month, unless the date falls on a public holiday.

We welcome brethren and candidates to join at 18:30 for refreshments and fellowship prior to our meetings (please send a message to the Secretary@bavarialodge.org prior).

The lodge meeting (Freemasons only!) commences at 19.30 hrs. duly tiled During the months of July and August, we temporarily close for summer recess.

Recognition in North America
As a member Lodge of the American Canadian Grand Lodge AF&AM (ACGL), Bavaria Lodge is also recognized by the Conference of Grand Masters in North America (COGMINA).